Regenerative Organic Agriculture and the Soil Carbon Solution
The climate crisis is here, but regenerative agriculture can help fight it.
Our newest white paper explores regenerative agriculture’s capacity to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in a practical and cost-effective way—all while addressing our planetary water crisis, extreme poverty and food insecurity, protecting and enhancing the environment, and revitalizing food. Building off our 2014 white paper, we conclude that regenerative agriculture is a win-win-win climate solution that’s ready for widescale implementation now. What are we waiting for?
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Cite this white paper:
Moyer, J., Smith, A., Rui, Y., Hayden, J. (2020). Regenerative agriculture and the soil carbon solution [white paper]. (
Toolkit for Climate Action
We could sequester 100% of our annual CO2 emissions if all global cropland and pasture were transitioned to a regenerative system.
But realizing this powerful solution will take more than research and data. We need action. That’s why we’ve assembled action items for families, consumers, and eaters like you to grow the regenerative movement and harness its power to combat the climate crisis now.
1. Put pressure on brands
Tell the companies you love it’s no longer okay to produce their products at the expense of our future.
Use Rodale Institute’s social media toolkit to tag your favorite brands on social media and ask what they’re doing to implement regenerative practices in their supply chain. Include the hashtag #SoilCarbon Solution!
2. Give policymakers hope
Many policymakers know that soils are being destroyed, but they don’t yet understand the transformative potential of regenerative agriculture. Let them know there’s a way to tackle this issue.
After finding a list of the policymakers that represent you, urge them to support legislation that will grow the regenerative movement. Need an example? Feel free to copy-and-paste from our letter template.
3. Start a conversation
Ask your grocer, school, workplace, hospital, and other places you frequent to carry products grown regeneratively. Ask what needs to be done to move the needle toward a more regenerative supply chain. Use our white paper and fact sheet to lay out the benefits.
If your favorite grocer already carries regenerative products, or your local farm stand practices regenerative agriculture, thank them (and support them)!
4. Buy regenerative
Whenever possible, buy from brands and farmers that support regenerative! If you need help getting started, view our guide to buying regenerative and browse this map to find regenerative farms in your area.
At the store, look for the Regenerative Organic Certified label: a new standard that signifies the highest concern for soil health, animal welfare, and social fairness. Similar labels include Land to Market, Real Organic Project, and Soil Carbon Initiative.
Join the Conversation
What can farmers, scientists, brands and policymakers do together to move the needle toward a brighter future? Watch our panel with Kiss the Ground for a discussion about this white paper and the role that regenerative organic agriculture can play in battling the climate crisis.
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