John and Aimee Good of The Good Farm told us about pre-season planning and the documents they use to keep track of everything from their crop lists to their greenhouse plans to the field. We asked the Goods if they would be willing to share some more details from their actual documents. They were gracious enough to provide the following snips straight from their farm to yours.
A few notes on abbreviations:
• TP or TPO = Transplant or transplants out
• DS = Direct seed
• “Seeds for Greenhouse” column on sheet 3 is used to calculate seed order amounts
• The number of plants needed is in parenthesis
• The number of seeds needed to achieve that many transplants is the first number
• The “Plate and Notch” column on sheet 2 is a note on seeder setting for DS crops and in-row spacing on TP crops
Good luck! But remember, “These are just a template,” says John. “We encourage others to create their own spreadsheets that best meet their needs.”