You Can Be An Organic Hero!
Celebrate the rich history of organic agriculture and the future of the regenerative organic movement with a donation to Rodale Institute. Gifts of $99 + shipping will receive a complimentary Organic Hero gift box valued at $460+ and filled with great products you will love!
Please note: Organic Hero Boxes are limited to the first 500 donors and can only be shipped within the continental United States. Please allow 2 – 4 weeks for shipping and processing.
Claim Your Box
Thank you for your interest! At this time, our boxes have all been claimed. We are grateful for the Organic Heroes that support our work!
Make A Difference
Your generous contributions support our research, farmer training, and consumer education programs that:
• Train the next generation of organic farmers
• Transition more farms to organic practices
• Research the most effective, efficient, and regenerative organic methods
• Improve the health of our communities
Help us reach our goal of raising $60,000!
Our Supporters
Thank you to our generous sponsors who support our work all throughout the year.
Contact Us
For more information or to give by phone, contact Annie Brown, Vice President of Development at: