Soil Scientist

Phone (cell): 321-877-8109
Address: 3480 Summertown Hwy, Summertown, TN 38483
5940 County Road 333, Koshkonong, MO 65692

Dr. Hamido received his Ph.D. in environmental nutrient management from the Department of Crop, Soils, and Environmental Sciences at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama and has been trained as a postdoctoral at Montana State University and the University of Florida. The emphasis of his work has been on the field and greenhouse scales, including crop water use, water uptake, water conservation, crop growth, root growth, root longevity, root survival, soil nutrient contents, soil sensors – real-time CropMonitor software and nutrient acquisition to enhance sustainable agriculture and environmental quality.

Dr Hamido has conducted studies on the potential influences, transformations, and fate of soil-applied nutrients and foliar applications of essential nutrients in relation to crop productivity, climate change, and environmental sustainability. He has used various C and N models, such as the double-four exponential growth and decay model, and the results were published in the American Journal of Climate Change. In addition, he used the root survival model to estimate the root growth of trees over a three-year period under different essential soil-applied nutrients and irrigation rates. Besides, he has used the FPM model to calculate the reference evapotranspiration as one of the most common water use management tools, and the results were published in the HortTechnology Journal. He also has used various soil models to improve soil health and productivity, including the Soil Conditioning Index (SCI), the Soil Loss Equation (SLE), and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE2).

Currently, Dr. Hamido is directing a Regenerative Agriculture, Nutrition, and Climate Health Project (R.A.N.C.H.) on two different farms in Tennessee and Missouri with an estimated farm land of 5000 acres under different field managements, including different farm life stocks. The intention is to accelerate the soil-building process by using management-intensive grazing with different multi-species configurations. The project objectives are to (1) measure soil carbon sequestration over time, (2) measure changes in soil health, including physical, chemical, and biological indicators, and (3) measure changes in biodiversity over time.

Dr. Hamido is committed to leadership and service. He has served the American Society of Agronomy and 13 other prestigious peer reviewed journals as a reviewer, and he has been chosen to be added to the reviewer board of Agronomy. He has also been selected to serve as an academic editor for Horticultrae journal. Besides, he has been selected to review grant proposals for USDA-SARE educational grant cycles since 2017.

Select Publications

Refereed Publications

  • Hamido, S.A. and K.T. Morgan. 2021. The effect of irrigation rate on the water relations of young citrus trees in high-density planting. Sustainability, 13, 1759.
  • Hamido, S.A. and K.T. Morgan. 2020. Effect of various irrigation rates on growth and root development of young citrus trees in high-density planting. Plants, 9, 1462.
    (Feature Paper in Plant-Soil Interactions).
  • Atta, A.A., K.T. Morgan, S.A. Hamido, D.M. Kadyampakeni, and K.A. Mahmoud. 2020. Water and soil nutrient dynamics of Huanglongbing-affected citrus trees as impacted by ground-applied nutrients. Agronomy, 10, 1485.
  • Atta, A.A., K.T. Morgan, S.A. Hamido, and D.M. Kadyampakeni. 2020. Effect of essential   nutrients on roots growth and lifespan of Huanglongbing affected citrus trees. Plants, 9, 483: 1-20.
  • Hamido, S.A., R.C. Ebel, and K.T. Morgan. 2019. Interaction of Huanglongbing and foliar applications of copper on water relations of citrus sinensis cv. Valencia. Plants, 8, 298: 1-17.
  • Ebel, R.C., S.A. Hamido, and K.T. Morgan. 2019. Interaction of Huanglongbing and foliar applications of copper on growth and nutrient acquisition of citrus sinensis cv. ‘Valencia’. HortScience. 54: 297-302.
  • Hamido, S.A. and K.T. Morgan. 2018. Harvesting method affects water dynamics and yield of sweet orange with Huanglongbing. Agriculture. 8 (38): 1-10.
  • Hamido, S.A., K. T. Morgan and D.M. Kadyampakeni. 2017. The effect of Huanglongbing on young citrus tree water use. HortTechnology. 27: 659-665.
  • Hamido, S.A., K.T. Morgan, R.C. Ebel and D.M. Kadyampakeni. 2017. Improved irrigation management of sweet orange with Huanglongbing. HortScience. 52: 916-921.
  • Hamido, S.A., C.W. Wood, and E.A. Guertal. 2016. Carbon dioxide flux from bermudagrass turf as affected by nitrogen rate. Agronomy Journal. 108: 1000-1006.
  • Hamido, S.A., E.A. Guertal, and C.W. Wood. 2016. Carbon sequestration under warm season turfgrasses in home lawns. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection. 4: 53-63.
  • Hamido, S.A., E.A Guertal and C.W. Wood. 2016. Seasonal variation of carbon and nitrogen emission from turfgrass. American Journal of Climate Change. 5: 448-463.
  • Hamido, S.A. and K. Kpomblekou. 2009. Cover crop and tillage effects on soil enzyme activities following tomato. Soil and Tillage Research. 105: 269-274.


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